B E N E F I T S O F B I T T E R G U A R D 1. It treats fever due to cold. EDUODIALIFE.BLOGSPOT.COM 2. It is good for headache. 3. It cures from intenstinal worms. 4. It is good for diabetes. 5. It purifies our blood. 6. It is helpful for vomiting. EDUODIALIFE.BLOGSPOT.COM 7. It regulates blood flow. 8. It has anti-cancer properities. 9. It has anti-ageing benefits. 10. It takes care of our heart. 11. It improves our body immunity. 12. It helps to deal with respiratory problems. 13. It takes care of your eyes. EDUODIALIFE.BLOGSPOT.COM 14. It helps in weight loss. 15. It treats arthritis. करेले के लाभ 1. यह सर्दी के कारण होने वाले बुखार का इलाज करता है। EDUODIALIFE.BLOGSPOT.COM 2. यह सिरदर्द के लिए अच्छा है। ...